Knick Knack

$149 $280

​Designed with the Toys & Hobbies industry in mind, Knick Knack balances a friendly, fun, and bright aesthetic with clean, modern design. With Knick Knack, you can highlight your brands and customer testimonials, select featured products for various age brackets, and make navigation simple with customisable icons.

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Theme Features

  • Homepage carousel
  • Utility menu
  • Featured brands
  • Testimonials
  • Product enquiry form
  • "Best Seller" badge
  • Grid/list product view

Support and Documentation

All themes in the theme store include:

  • Search engine optimisation
  • Secure checkout and payment options
  • Theme editor capability
  • Optimised for Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE 10+
  • Mobile-friendly design
  • Free theme updates

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